Find your Chicken N Pickle to see hours and location information.
There will be 24 teams in the tournament
Teams will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis
Teams MUST be paid in full to guarantee registration
Each team will consist of two players
The registration cost per team is $100
50% of the registration cost can be designated to apply directly to a LSHS journalism student’s convention travel and/or future travel expenses (All money will be deposited in the Hi Life/Reflector accounts. A spreadsheet will be maintained for tracking designated dollars. Student designated dollars must be used towards travel prior to the 25-26 school year, or will be turned over to Hi Life/Reflector funds).
50% of the registration cost will be designated for the Hi Life News & Reflector Yearbook accounts. These dollars will fund work-night meals, travel scholarships, equipment purchases and contest entries.